Maren Goerss, MAEd

ADHD + Parent Coaching

Coaching for parents who are ready to unlearn old ways and have a more respectful and authentic family with less stress, more connection, and an abundance of joy.

  • If you are a parent, and you or your child has ADHD…

  • If you’re not sure how to support your kids where they are right now…

  • If you want to parent differently than the way you grew up…

  • If you or your child function differently than neurotypical people…

  • If you just need your own support and guidance…

I'm raising my hand right along with you. And I'm here to help.

I'm here to tell you...

You're doing great

You're not lazy

Your child is amazing

I believe in you

I'm here to help you build your best ADHD life & family

I believe every child and every adult has the superpowers the world needs. I’m here to help you discover and celebrate those superpowers in yourself and in each other. I was a kid, a college student, a classroom teacher, a parent, a spouse, a homeschool teacher and podcaster, and now a coach with ADHD. I have a Master’s Degree in Education, my Positive Discipline coaching certificate, and my ADHD coaching certificate, but my biggest contribution is my experience and confidence in you. You have everything you need inside you. I’m here to help you find it and to give you the tools to create a family and the life of your dreams.

6 Years of Podcasting

Helping Homeschool Parents Think Differently About Parenting and Education

(500k+ Downloads)

25 Years of Experience

Experience Teaching and Parenting Neurodiverse Kids

Master's Degree in Education

Master of Arts in Education

with emphasis on Early Childhood Learning

10 Years Homeschooling Parent

Helping Homeschool Parents Think Differently About Parenting and Education

Certified Positive Discipline Parent Coach

Positive Discipline Certified

Certified ADHD Life Coach

ADHD Life Coach (ACC licensed)




Your Child May be Struggling with...

Emotional Regulation

End the struggles, create healthy connections, and find joy in your family.


Thrive with ADHD, Dyslexia, Sensory Processing Disorder and many other learning differences.

Executive Function

Streamline your life and think outside the box so life is working for you and your child.


Learn how your brain works and what it needs to be at its best.


I embrace LGBTQ+ and BIPOC families, striving to be culturally informed and sensitive. I humbly learn while I stumble through my own mistakes.


Learn how to speak up for what you need in all settings: home, school, work + the world. And teach your kids too!

Things you'll learn while coaching with me

  • Understanding of ADHD and what it might look like

  • Seeing your strengths and your child’s strengths

  • Implementing tools that will help with daily challenges

  • Empowering your child to make good decisions

  • Looking at misbehavior in a new way

  • Recovering from a break in your relationship

  • Getting your kids motivated

  • Tools for advocating for your child

  • Supporting your child in any scenario

  • Organizing Life

  • Confidence in Parenting

  • Creating a healthy schedule and rhythm that you and your kid will be excited about

  • Customizing your family and home for neurodiversity (ADHD, Dyslexia, Sensory Processing,….)

  • Feeling less stressed

  • Having more fun

While coaching with me, you will gain

Healthier, stronger relationships with your kids

A family where everyone not only survives, but thrives

Tools to help everyone self-regulate

Kids who understand themselves

A spouse who is on the same parenting page

Confidence in parenting

Awareness of your kids’ learning differences and how to celebrate their strengths and work on their challenges, without any shame

What I Offer


  • Short and sweet ADHD Coaching Sessions.

  • Best for those with clear goals and accountability checkins.

  • 15 min. weekly sessions

  • $145/mo.


  • My most popular sessions. Not too long, not too short.

  • Best for most people who need to understand their ADHD and implement significant changes.

  • 30 min. weekly sessions

  • $245/mo.

Deep Dive

  • In-Depth Coaching Sessions.

  • Best for those facing larger life issues or decisions.

  • 45 min. weekly sessions

  • $345/mo.

What clients say about Me

Maren has been a guiding light in my journey of parenting differently wired kids. Her guidance, empathy, honesty, and understanding has been instrumental in me becoming the best parent I can be!




Maren has been a steady reminder to me and so many others on keeping the main thing, the main thing with homeschooling and parenting! I so appreciate her and the effort she puts towards being aware of current approaches to help our kiddos be the best humans they can, now and in the future!




Maren has been an incredible resource as I navigate the complexities of parenting a child with Adhd, while also addressing my own executive functions. She understands how juggling parenting and career responsibilities can be exacerbated by Adhd, and has so much wisdom to share. Furthermore, her educational and Positive Discipline background give her a unique perspective on how to best communicate with my child in a way that is collaborative and constructive. Anyone would be lucky to work with her!




Coach Maren is a total life saver. She's been great at cutting through the noise to help me focus on each week. I find her fascinating and could spend all of our time together just chatting about issues that affect neurodiverse folks. She's like that good friend that gives you a good nudge when you need it.




Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coaching?

Coaching is my favorite because it’s:

1. Customized just for you

2. Strengths-based

3. Makes life better!

Coaching with me is getting a non-judgmental expert’s ear for 45 minutes a week.

That thing you can’t get off your mind… You get to bounce that off me, process through your ideas, worries and what-ifs.

I guide you into making a plan that works best for you. I use my years of experience teaching, parenting, and training to provide that unique support you need right now.

Over several weeks, you’ll start to see your life align with your values even more... and you'll feel more content, confident, and peaceful. I know you’ve got this, and I’m here to remind you along the way.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a difference in the wiring of our brains. The front of our brains are not always as strong as the back of our brains, which causes us to have a slower processing speed and less working memory.

This can often present as hyperactivity, forgetfulness, time blindness, impulsivity, or emotional disregulation. It often gives us superpowers like creativity, resourcefulness, persistence, leadership, and empathy.

You do NOT need a diagnosis in order to work with me! Getting tested for ADHD and other learning differences is often $$$ and until we all have access to that type of testing, requiring a test is just not realistic.

One of my super powers is meeting you and your family right where you’re at. Which means, whether you have never really looked into ADHD or you’ve hyper focused on learning about it for years, coaching with me will mean you’re in the right place at the right time.

Is coaching for me?

If you’re ready for a change, but you aren’t sure where to begin, then coaching might be for you! If you’d like encouragement, guidance, and a tangible plan, then we would be a great fit.

What's the difference between coaching and therapy?

Coaching is more about what’s going on right now. We’re working on practical and mind shifting tools that will help you change the way your life is right now.Therapy dives deep into your past and often asks why. Therapy digs into the root of issues to process through trauma, hurts, and how you were raised.

How long should I do coaching?

You can do coaching for as long as you want! Professional tennis players never go without a coach. Your kids are always learning and growing, so you will always be learning and growing as well! I'll be here to help you through all stages of parenting. At minimum, six months is recommended. That’s because life changes and habits don’t happen quickly. It’s a process! We’ll work on new things as they come up, and we’ll revisit things when they’re not working anymore. With parenting, things are often changing. It’s not about the destination, it’s the journey that counts.

What's the time commitment?

Coaching with me feels like less of a commitment, and more of a coffee date with a wise friend who knows a lot about what you need most... and who listens, validates, encourages, and just gets it.

You can sign up for 6 weeks, 3 months, or 6 months of coaching. I always recommend at least 3 months, because that's the time period when we get to see so much of the real, lasting changes happen. But honestly, even one session can be life-changing. Pick the time frame that works best for you!

We'll usually have weekly 45-minute sessions that are comfortable, safe, and tbh can be fun. You'll have a-ha moments and feel weight begin to melt off your shoulders in our first session. From there, we continue to meet and you continue to de-stress and feel peace in your soul. Basically, your commitment is to say YES!

Technically, we'll most likely have action items for you to do between sessions. AGAIN, these items will be serving you and your family. They will ease your stress... create more connection... make space for what you need and want.

TLDR, your commitment is:

1. Choose to do yourself and your family a big favor

2. Show up a the day/time that works for you

3. Breathe a sigh of relief that your life and family are more streamlined, healthy, and enjoyable again!

Why is it called Always Learning?

In all of my experiences and education on child development, I’ve realized that we are Always Learning. When kids are learning in the way that’s best for them, they are joyful, flexible, curious, and willing. When kids are learning in an environment that isn’t working for them, they are learning to not trust people and that learning is not pleasant. My job is to help you figure out how to create the environment that works best for you and your child.I’m here to help you literally and figuratively get out of the way to resume the learning that is already naturally happening for your child. I’m here to help you come alongside your child so that you become an expert in how they learn and grow. I’m here to encourage you to continue to learn as well. When you are free to learn, it becomes enjoyable and effective.

Free Discovery Call

Let's set up a 30-minute call to see we're a good fit.

On this call, we'll talk about your goals and concerns.

I'll share with you how coaching with me works. I can't

wait to get to know you!

Always Learning is for parents who are ready for less stress, more connection, and an abundance of joy in their families and lives.

Contact Me

Minneapolis, MN

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